Deluge - Scientific Evidence for The Great Flood


Years ago, I made a couple of videos talking about how Noah was able to fit all of the animals onto the Ark, and how freshwater fish and insects were able to survive the Global Flood. I put these forth as a thought experiment, to refute the claim that Noah could not possibly have fit the animals on the Ark, as the Bible describes.

But one person in the comments section issued a challenge. He said that I put forth these videos as a thought experiment, exploring what would happen in a Global Flood, given the size of the Ark, and given the animals that would have been onboard.  Yet he pointed out that I hadn't done anything in these videos to show that The Great Flood was in fact a real event in real history.

That's when I decided to create a video exploring scientific evidence for The Great Flood. Gradually the video grew beyond what I had expected, and eventually someone helping me with the project urged me to break this project down into smaller episodes.

I resisted the idea at first but eventually realized that this approach would allow me to say what I wanted to say, without having to be so concerned about time. And so, the Deluge series was born.


Deluge, Introduction

            It is often claimed that Noah’s Flood is a myth, a children’s story meant to warn people to do right and not to do wrong.

             According to the Bible, thousands of years ago, a man named Noah was called by God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, to build a giant wooden Ark. God warned Noah that He had seen how violent and evil mankind had become, and because God is good, He could not allow it to go on. God said that He was going to send a Global Flood to wipe humanity, whom He had created, from the face of the Earth. [Bible]

             Noah was instructed to bring his family into the Ark, along with representatives of each land-dwelling vertebrate kind, supplies for the journey, and, presumably, seeds and tools to rebuild civilization in the world after the Flood. [Bible]

             According to the Bible, this was a real event that happened in real history. The New Testament even includes Noah in the genealogy leading up to Jesus Christ, and the Book of Genesis claims that all of the land under the whole of Heaven was covered by water. In other words, the Biblical authors emphasized that, according to their God, Noah’s Flood was a real event that covered the whole Earth, not a local storm or some kind of myth or parable. [Bible]

             But many claim that there is no scientific evidence to back up Noah’s Flood. After all, if there really were a Great Flood that covered the whole Earth, we would expect to find overwhelming evidence for it. Perhaps the first book of the Bible is just a collection of fairytales, and perhaps the Bible stories should merely be regarded as simply that, nice stories that we can impose our own meaning upon, but which, contrary to the claims of the authors, do not represent real events in real history.

             In previous videos, we explored how Noah was able to fit all of the animals onto the Ark, and how freshwater fish and insects were able to survive Noah’s Flood. [Links]

             Now, in this series, we will examine 11 lines of scientific evidence for the case that the Global Flood really happened, and forever altered the face of this planet.

             While I do not expect to convince all of my audience the first time through, it is my intention that any viewer with an open mind who honestly and carefully evaluates the evidence will walk away from this challenged by the arguments, and that honest Skeptics will have to rethink their objections that the Global Flood has no evidence to back it up.

  1. Flood Legends found all over the World

             While most of this series will focus on Geology, the evidence for a world-wide Flood from Anthropology is certainly compelling. It’s an interesting fact of history that virtually every culture on the face of the planet has a legend of a Great Flood that destroyed the whole Earth.


            Let’s explore a few of these stories.

 In Hawaii, they tell a legend of a man named Nu-u who built a giant boat, and filled it with animals to preserve them from a Flood that was sent to destroy the world after the world had become filled with wicked people. Only Nu-u and his family were spared. [Citation]

How is it that the traditional cultures of Hawaii share the same story that I was taught in Sunday School? Some might say that this is coincidence or cultural contamination from Christian missionaries. But Nu-u is not the only figure with a striking parallel to this Biblical passage.




             The Miao, a people group in China, recite the story of their distant ancestors at their funerals. This story has been translated into English. A small part of the story is as follows:

The World Wicked

These did not God's will nor returned His affection.
But fought with each other defying the Godhead.
Their leaders shook fists in the face of the Mighty
Then the earth was convulsed to the depth of three strata.
Rending the air to the uttermost heaven.
God's anger arose till His Being was changed;
His wrath flaring up filled His eyes and His face.
Until He must come and demolish humanity.
Come and destroy a whole world full of people.

The Flood

So it poured forty days in sheets and in torrents.
Then fifty-five days of misting and drizzle.
The waters surmounted the mountains and ranges.
The deluge ascending leapt valley and hollow.
An earth with no earth upon which to take refuge!
A world with no foothold where one might subsist!
The people were baffled, impotent and ruined,
Despairing, horror stricken, diminished and finished.
But the Patriarch Nuah was righteous.
The Matriarch Gaw Bo-lu-en upright.
Built a boat very wide.
Made a ship very vast.
Their household entire got aboard and were floated,
The family complete rode the deluge in safety.
The animals with him were female and male.
The birds went along and were mated in pairs.
When the time was fulfilled, God commanded the waters.
The day had arrived, the flood waters receded.
Then Nuah liberated a dove from their refuge,
Sent a bird to go forth and bring again tidings.
The flood had gone down into lake and to ocean;
The mud was confined to the pools and the hollows.
There was land once again where a man might reside;
There was a place in the earth now to rear habitations.
Buffalo then were brought, an oblation to God,
Fatter cattle became sacrifice to the Mighty.
The Divine One then gave them His blessing;
Their God then bestowed His good graces.



The Miao Flood Legend clearly bears striking similarity to what we read in the Hebrew Bible. Here we see a wicked world, and a Flood sent by God in judgement. We also see a righteous patriarch, Nuah, who built a very large boat to save himself, his family, and pairs of animals. Then we see the storm abated, and a dove sent out. This is followed by an animal sacrifice to God, and the preparation for humans and animals to reestablish themselves on the Earth.

Notice that this is not a story about something that happened in Ancient China, despite the illustrations I use here, but instead a story about an event that happened to humanity in the distant primordial past, even before the classic civilizations that we study in school were born. But more on that later on.



Flood legends can even be found in the Americas.

The final story for this video comes from the Choctaw Native Americans. This historical gem is longer than the previous two, but deserves to be told in full.

In ancient times after men had lived a long period upon the earth they became very corrupt and wicked, and deluged the earth with so much blood and carnage that the Great Spirit finally decided to utterly destroy them. He, therefore, sent a prophet among them, who went from tribe to tribe and from village to village proclaiming the fearful tidings that the race was soon to be destroyed. No one paid any attention to him, however, and people went on in their wickedness as carelessly as ever. But one year, with the coming of autumn, mists and clouds gathered over the earth, so that there was no sun shining by day nor did the moon and stars light up the gloom of night. The situation grew gradually worse until the earth became shrouded in total darkness. The air was chill and all animate nature became silent. People too became silent and perplexed, but yet they gave no evidence of repenting for their evil deeds. They were compelled to find their way from place to place by light of torches.

The food that they had stored away became mouldy and unfit to eat. Soon the silence of the skies was broken by muttering thunder. As time went on, the thunderings grew louder and spread to almost every quarter of the sky. The wild beasts, overcome with terror, lost their dread of man and crept up around the village fires that gave the only relief from the general darkness and cold. People grew despondent, and the death songs were chanted everywhere. The Medicine Men could offer no explanation and had no hope to offer the striken people. But yet there was no repentance, no turning of a sinful people back to the Great Spirit – only a sullen fatalism.

One day very suddenly there came a crash of thunder much louder than had ever been heard before. The whole earth seemed to shake and tremble with the reverberation. Then, as people looked towards the north, they seemed to see a light – the first they had seen for many a long dark day. But whatever hope may have been aroused in their breasts was dissipated. For what they saw was not the return of the long lost sun, but it was the gleam of a great mountain of water, advancing in great billows from the north, covering the entire earth and destroying everything in its path. With the cry, “Oka Falamah, Oka Falamah” (the returning waters, the returning waters) the doomed people turned away in one last vain effort to escape. But there was no escape. The whole earth was soon covered even to the tops of the mountains by the vast flood, and men and animals alike perished, leaving only a desolate wilderness of waters.

Of all mankind, only one remained, and that was the mysterious prophet who had so faithfully yet vainly proclaimed the warnings of the Great Spirit. This prophet had been directed by the Great Spirit to build a raft of sassafras logs, upon which he floated safely above the destroying flood, while he gazed sadly upon the dead bodies of men and beasts as they floated past him in the dark waters.

The prophet floated aimlessly about for many weeks, until at last one day he saw a large black bird circling over his raft. He cried to it for help, but the bird only uttered a few harsh croaks and flew away to be seen no more. Some days later the prophet saw a smaller bird, bluish in color, with red beak and eyes, hovering over the raft. Again he asked this bird if there was a spot of dry land to be found anywhere in the waste of waters. It hovered over him for a few moments as if trying in its soft mournful voice to give the desired information, and then flew off towards the west where the new sun was again setting in splendor. Almost at once a strong wind arose which carried the raft in the direction in which the bird had gone. All night, it floated on under the moon and stars which shone again with renewed brightness.

When the sun rose the next morning the prophet saw in the distance an island towards which his raft seemed to be drifting. Before the sun went down again, the raft had moved along until it touched the island, and the tired prophet landed, and glad to be on the earth once more, he lay down and slept until the sun rose the next day. Much refreshed, he then began to look about the island, where to his surprise, he found every variety of animal formerly found on the earth (except the mammoth), and all the birds and fowl also. Among the birds he noticed the great black bird that had visited and deserted him upon the waters. This bird he named “fulushto” – the raven – always thereafter regarded as a bird of ill omen by the Choctaws.

He was overjoyed also to find again the little bluish bird that had hovered over him and caused the breeze to blow that brought his raft safe to the pleasant island. Because of its beauty and of its kindly deed he named this bird “Puchi Yushuba” (Lost Pigeon).

The prophet lived on this island for many days, until finally the waters passed away, and the earth once more took its former appearance, with hills, valleys, and grassy prairies. Then the strangest of all things happened Puchi Yushuba was changed by the Great Spirit into a beautiful young woman, who soon became the wife of the prophet, and by their children the world was repeopled. But the Indian people never again became so rashly disobedient to the Great Spirit, and never forgot the lesson of Oka Falamah, the “Returning Waters.”

            Considering the lack of mass communication in the Ancient World, trying to explain the fact that the Global Flood is talked about in virtually every culture would seem to defy an alternative explanation.

            Why would so many separate cultures just happen to invent this same essential story over and over again? And why these specific details? Taken together, the consistent core story tells of a man who builds a boat to survive a Flood sent in judgement from God or the gods, and there is a common, though not universal theme, of animals being brought on board the boat as well.

            The most obvious conclusion, based on the evidence, would be that deep in humanity’s primordial past, our ancestors really did experience a Flood that nearly destroyed the human race.

            Legends that bear a striking resemblance to the Biblical idea of a Great Flood can be found in virtually every culture, and long predate any contact with Christian missionaries.

            Critics claim that some of these stories are the result of cultural contamination from Christian missionaries, despite the claims of native peoples themselves. But even if that were the case in some instances, we still have countless other Flood legends that no one doubts come from these remote cultures. Also, if a few of these cases are cultural contamination, why did these cultures consistently single out the primordial parts of Genesis, while seemingly borrowing nothing from the rest of the Bible?

            Instead people groups in China, Hawaii, and the Americas, all seem to reflect a deeply embedded set of cultural memories about the earliest parts of human history. And they share that history with each other, the Hebrews, and virtually all of the human race, even in the remotest regions of the World.

            If there really were a Global Flood, where only a small group of people survived and all peoples on Earth descend from those on the Ark, we would expect cultures from all around the World to talk about this event, and that is exactly what we find!



              While doing research for this project, I noticed something that was not obvious at first. We use terms like the “Choctaw Flood Legend” or the “Miao Flood Legend” for the sake of convenience, but it would be more precise to say that this is the Global Flood Legend as told by the Choctaw people. Notice that these are not stories about what happened to a particular tribe of people, this is the story of an event that happened to the whole of the Human Race.

              If someone were to switch depictions between these Flood Legends, it would make very little difference. If one were to read these legends, not knowing which culture they came from, it is unlikely one could have guessed since they describe the world before the Flood, rather than the modern host culture.

              This is part of the reason why I took generous artistic license and integrated elements from many cultures throughout this video. Careful viewers will notice Nordic, Japanese, Pan-American and other elements at various places in the depictions of these Flood Legends.

              Noah was not Middle Eastern, European, Chinese, or Egyptian: He was born in the World before the Flood and is the patriarchal ancestor of every culture and every person alive today. Egypt, Babylon, China and Greece were not founded until sometime after the Flood, and the same can be said of every classic civilization that we read about in the history books.

              This raises a number of questions: If there really was a Cataclysm in the distant past that predated Classic Civilization, which nearly destroyed Humanity, then what did this Antediluvian world look like?

              Noah’s family would have represented a great deal of genetic diversity, but we can also presume that much of the Pre-Flood genetic diversity was lost in this cataclysm. This bottleneck effect may be why humans gradually lost their longevity in the generations after the Flood, as the genome of the now-inbred species began to break down.

              Geologists who advocate for the Global Flood have a pretty good idea of what the Pre-Flood supercontinent looked like.

Yet we are given very few details in Genesis or in any of these stories about the Antediluvian (Pre-Flood) Culture. We are told that they had metallurgy, implying somewhat advanced technology. Genesis also describes the Ark as being very large and describes the Post-Flood Tower of Babel as an early attempt to build a megalithic structure. In Genesis, God also describes the early Post-Flood culture as being very highly capable, yet they chose to disobey God’s instructions to spread over the face of the Earth. All of this indicates that Humanity had relatively advanced technology very early on.

In terms of morality, we are told in many of these stories that mankind was violent and wicked, that the Flood was the result of Divine judgment, and that the Ark was to save a remnant of Humanity.

              It would be wrong to say that the near-universal Flood Legend with strong common elements proves that the Global Flood really happened. However, it would also be disingenuous to dismiss this line of evidence out of hand.

As this series progresses, we will explore other lines of evidence for the Great Flood, including those from Geology and my own field of Genetics. See the description box on how you can stay tuned as this series unfolds.


Call To Action

              If you enjoyed this video, I’ve got lots more great content to share!

I am pleased to announce the launch of my new website This is the new online central hub where you can learn about my videos and articles discussing science, economics, politics, and the evidence for the Christian Faith. But by far the content that I am most proud of are my works of fiction. At you can enjoy many of my short stories entirely for free!

              This is also where you can sign up for my free Email newsletter to learn when I publish new content, as well as receive content that is exclusively available only through this newsletter.

              With that said, my first full-length novel is finally available to the public! In Broken Mirror: How Will We Be Remembered? readers go on a journey with a pastor who, after preaching his first sermon at his new church, is taken captive and pulled across time. Through his journey, he encounters men and women of Faith from every century, encounters that challenge the core of everything he believes.

              While I make no secret of being a Christian, many of the topics I deal with in both my works of fiction as well as nonfiction are not safe for Sunday School. The Bible itself deals with a lot of heavy topics, and as Christians living in the real world, we are going to have to process a lot of things that may not fit into a Ned Flanders or Veggie Tales stereotype. The Bible tells us that we live in a fallen and broken world, and I seek to write in a way that reflects the truth of that reality but also reflects the beauty and complexity of God’s creation.

They say, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” It is my hope that my content and my life can shine a light that points people to the true light of the world, Jesus Christ.

              So be sure to like, comment, and subscribe, and head on over to to see my other content and sign up for my free Email Newsletter!


HD Edition Video Description:

Why would so many separate cultures just happen to invent this same essential story of a Worldwide Flood over and over again? And why these specific details? Taken together, the consistent core story tells of a man who builds a boat to survive a Flood sent in judgment from God or the gods, and there is a common, though not universal theme, of animals being brought on board the boat as well...

To stay tuned for when other episodes launch, and to sign up for my free Email newsletter, visit

Deluge Ep 1 - Flood Legends From Around The World - Deluge Scientific Evidence for the Great Flood (HD 1920x1080 Version)


Trailer 01 Links:


(All references and links are under construction)

Hawaiian Flood Legend




Music and Sounds:
(Under Construction)


Images and Videos:
(Under Construction)

00:01 Chinese Ark, an image I made from a photograph of a Chinese ship and stock images, most likely from Pixabay. I believe the ship was the Zheng He model from the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago. The Photoshop compilation was one I did myself.

00:04 Young Noah, an original image that I made in DAZ Studio.

00:06 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio.

00:08 Foreground: An image that I made in DAZ Studio

              Background: Stock footage video taken from Pixabay

00:12 Letters: Original Letters that I designed

              Map: A stock image, ____

              Background Video: Stock footage video taken from Pixabay

00:23 Noah’s Flood Video: I am still actively searching for the link for this stock video clip.

00:36 Noah in front of a scroll, an original image that I made in DAZ Studio.

00:47 Man with black eyes, an image I edited from a stock image found on Pixabay

00:53 Foreground: Noah listening to God, an image I made in DAZ Studio

              Background: An image of a pre-Flood Arena from the Ark Encounter

00:58 Foreground: Noah listening to God, an image I made in DAZ Studio

              Background: Stock video from Pixabay

01:07 One of Noah’s Sons, an original image that I made in DAZ Studio.

01:20 A stock video from Pixabay

01:24 An image from the Ark Encounter

01:31 An image from Pixabay

01:38 An image from AnswersinGenesis and The Ark Encounter

01:46 An image from the Ark Encounter

01:52 An image from AnswersinGenesis and The Ark Encounter

01:58 A stock video from Pixabay

02:04 A stock video from Pixabay

02:14 Jesus walking on Water, The figure and the water layer were both made in DAZ Studio

The sky in the background may have been a stock image from Pixabay, or may have been generated in DAZ Studio.

02:19 Jesus emerging from the tomb – An original image that I made using DAZ Studio.

02:28 A stock image from Pixabay

02:30 A stock image from Pixabay

02:33 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

02:41 Stock footage from Pixabay

02:43 Stock footage from Pixabay

02:47 Model trilobite – Original image, Trilobite and other props were purchased

02:49 Fossil of a fish eating another fish – I believe this came from Pixabay, verified source coming soon

02:54 Stock footage from Pixabay

03:01 Man and Behemoth – Original image made in DAZ studio

03:06 Stock footage from Pixabay

03:11 Mount Saint Helens footage – This should be from the USGS

03:16 Stock footage from Pixabay

03:25: Cloth foreground – Original footage that I made using a piece of cloth and an electronic candle

Ark Shadow – Taken from an image from The Ark Encounter and edited in Gimp for the shadow effect

03:40 Map of Flood Legends from around the world at the Ark Encounter

03:47 Stock footage from Pixabay

03:51 Stock footage from Pixabay

03:55 Stock footage from Pixabay

04:07 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

04:13 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

04:20 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

04:25 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

04:49 An image of Miao Chinese people in traditional clothing from Pixabay

04:54 A Miao Chinese building, stock image from Pixabay

04:58 A Miao Chinese community, stock image from Pixabay

05:03 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

05:06 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

05:11 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

05:14 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

05:14 Foreground: Stock footage from Pixabay

05:19 Stock footage from Pixabay

05:23 Stock footage from Pixabay

05:27 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

05:27 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

05:32 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

05:36 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

05:37 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

05:37 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

05:45 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

05:45 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

05:51 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

05:51 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

05:57 An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

06:02 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

06:02 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

06:05 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

06:12 Chinese Ark, an image I made from a photograph of a Chinese ship and stock images, most likely from Pixabay. I believe the ship was the Zheng He model from the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago. The Photoshop compilation was one I did myself.

06:21 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

06:33 Stock footage from Pixabay

06:41 Stock footage from Pixabay

06:46 Stock footage from Pixabay

06:54 Stock footage from Pixabay

06:57 Stock footage from Pixabay

07:01 Stock footage from Pixabay

07:12 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:20 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:24 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:27 Chinese Ark, an image I made from a photograph of a Chinese ship and stock images, most likely from Pixabay. I believe the ship was the Zheng He model from the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago. The Photoshop compilation was one I did myself.

07:32 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:36 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:38 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:41 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:46 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

07:50 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

07:50 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

08:00 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

08:00 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

08:10 Choctaw Village by George Catlin

08:27 Stock footage from Pixabay

08:44 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

08:47 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

08:47 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

08:53 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

08:53 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

08:56 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

09:00 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

09:02 Stock footage from Pixabay

09:06 Stock footage from Pixabay

09:15 Stock footage from Pixabay

09:20 Stock footage from Pixabay

09:25 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

09:32 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

09:32 Moving Fire – Stock footage from Pixabay

09:39 A modified image based on a photo taken at the Rochester Museum and Science Center

09:47 Stock footage from Pixabay

09:55 An original diorama I made using various models

10:08 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

10:08 Moving Campfire – Stock footage from Pixabay

10:28 A stock image from Pixabay

10:36 A stock image from Pixabay

10:40 Foreground – An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

10:40 Middle Ground - An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

10:40 Sky - A stock image from Pixabay

10:57 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

11:17 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

11:25 Stock footage from Pixabay

11:38 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

11:48 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

11:48 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

12:04 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

12:04 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

12:12 Stock image from Pixabay

12:18 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

12:18 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

12:25 Stock image from Pixabay

12:35 An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

12:43 Stock image from Pixabay

12:51 Stock footage from Pixabay

12:57 Stock footage from Pixabay

13:06 An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

13:14 Stock image from Pixabay

13:23 Stock footage from Pixabay

13:34 Stock image from Pixabay

13:44 Stock footage from Pixabay

13:47 Stock footage from Pixabay

13:52 Stock footage from Pixabay

13:55 Stock image from Pixabay

14:12 Stock image from Pixabay

14:32 Stock footage from Pixabay

14:39 Stock footage from Pixabay

14:48 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

14:53 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

15:06 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

15:18 A map of Flood Legends from around the world from The Ark Encounter

15:26 A chart of similarities between Flood Legends from around the world from AnswersInGenesis

15:37 An image from AnswersInGenesis

15:42 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

15:47 Stock footage from Pixabay

15:52 Image from AnswersinGenesis

15:57 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

15:57 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

16:02 An image from The Ark Encounter

16:08 Foreground: An original figure that I made in DAZ Studio

16:08 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

16:13 Stock footage from Pixabay

16:23 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

16:28 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

16:33 Stock footage from Pixabay

16:41 Stock footage from Pixabay

16:57 Stock footage from Pixabay

17:06 Foreground: An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

17:06 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

17:14 Stock image from Pixabay

17:19 Stock image from Pixabay

17:22 Thomas Cole, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

17:27 Stock footage from Pixabay

17:33 File:Robert Dowling - Group of natives of Tasmania - Google Art Project.jpg

17:38 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

17:38 X-Ray Effect – Stock footage from Pixabay

17:38 Ark Silhouette – Modified image from a photo taken at the Ark Encounter

17:57 A map of Flood Legends from around the world from The Ark Encounter

18:07 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:12 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:16 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:20 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:25 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:32 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:37 Chinese Ark, an image I made from a photograph of a Chinese ship and stock images, most likely from Pixabay. I believe the ship was the Zheng He model from the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago. The Photoshop compilation was one I did myself.

18:42 Foreground: An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:42 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

18:46 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:51 Stock footage from Pixabay

18:55 Foreground – An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:55 Middle Ground - An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:55 Sky - A stock image from Pixabay

18:42 Foreground: An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

18:42 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

19:09 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

19:09 Moving Campfire – Stock footage from Pixabay

19:16 An image from AnswersInGenesis

19:22 An image from AnswersInGenesis

19:27 Stock footage from Pixabay

19:33 Stock footage from Pixabay

19:38 Stock image from Pixabay

19:42 Stock image from Pixabay

19:47 Stock footage from Pixabay

19:56 Stock footage from Pixabay

20:08 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

20:08 X-Ray Effect – Stock footage from Pixabay

20:08 Ark Silhouette – Modified image from a photo taken at the Ark Encounter

20:23 Foreground: An original graph that I made in Excel

20:23 Background: Stock footage from Pixabay

20:35 The World That Perished – Chart from AnswersInGenesis

20:44 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

20:44 Background – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

20:44 Middle ground dust fog – A stock image from Pixabay

20:53 Stock image from Pixabay

20:58 Image from the Ark Encounter

21:02 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

21:10 Foreground: An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

21:10 Cloud/Mountain background – Stock footage from Pixabay

21:18 Foreground: An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

21:18 Cloud/Mountain background – Stock footage from Pixabay

21:24 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

21:32 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

21:45 An original image that I made in DAZ Studio

22:02 Stock footage from Pixabay

22:12 Stock footage from Pixabay

22:22 Lighting footage from Pixabay

22:53 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

22:53 Background – Stock image from Pixabay

23:12 Foreground and Middle Ground – original images made using DAZ Studio

23:12 Background – Image from NASA

23:21 Stock image from Pixabay

23:28 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio

23:28 Background – Stock image from Pixabay

23:37 (See 23:12)

23:47 Stock image from Pixabay

23:51 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio and Gimp

23:51 Background – Stock footage from Pixabay

23:56 Foreground – Image produced by a FIVERR Artist

23:56 Background – Stock footage from Pixabay

24:01 Foreground – Original Image made in DAZ Studio and Gimp

24:01 Background – Stock footage from Pixabay

24:08 Stock footage from Pixabay

24:15 Stock footage from Pixabay